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Sentrim Mara Experiences

Safari Experiences
With Sentrim Mara

There are numerous activities in Masai Mara which range from luxury experiences such as Hot Air Balloon flights over the plains where you can see wildlife down below, to less costly bush meals and nature walks or wildlife treks. Some of the most popular activities are brief visits to a traditional Maasai tribal village during which travelers get a fascinating glimpse into the unique way of life of these nomadic peoples.

sentrim mara sundowners


This is the climax of a game drive! The 'happy hour' in the African wilderness as the sun descends. This magical experience is set in the middle of plains with panoramic views of the Mara savannah. As the fierce bonfire flame dances to the relentless caress of the wind, a sip of your local beer and a bite of a hot canapé over enchanting story telling crowns this timeless moment. The well spread safari lanterns, the iconic Maasai warriors on the watch plus a guitarist serenading guests add to the beauty of this memorable experience.

Bush Breakfast

As the sunrise stealthily emerges in the horizon gently kissing your forehead, it heralds dawn to another enthralling game drive. A hot cup of coffee and sumptuous Spanish omelette should make a perfect company for another mesmerising morning in the African wilderness. We set lifetime experience at a secluded and picturesque location, such as near a Hippo Watering Hole, under an iconic Desert Date Tree or scenic Savannah plains.

sentrim mara bush breakfast
sentrim mara culinary delights

Culinary Delights

Our guests get a chance to enjoy delightful cuisine prepared by our highly creative chefs embodying the richly African culture. You may also relish a Nyama Choma (BBQ) evening by the candle-lit poolside.

Bush Lunch

After a thrilling morning game drive in the distinctive wilderness of Maasai Mara, sit down under a lone Savannah tree and enjoy picnic Lunch. Your perfectly packed lunch box should make a truly memorable dining experience.

sentrim mara bush lunch
sentrim mara game drives

Game Drives

Game Drives allow you to get unmatched sight of the wildlife as it brings you closer into untamed areas that would be difficult to explore on foot.

Nature Walks

Nature trail safaris and bird watching are where you relax as you interact with nature. Our guides are members of the Maasai tribe, the proud custodians of this incredible wilderness, and have known this area as their home for centuries.

sentrim mara nature walks
sentrim mara balloon rides

Balloon Rides

A Once-in-a-lifetime experience, enjoy the bird"s-eye-view of the stunning Mara wilderness and its wildlife on a Hot Air Balloon! What an incredible, unparalleled viewing experience! Sentrim Mara Camp will organize the logistics for this memorable moment. The Balloon Basket accommodates 12 - 14 guests.

  • Approx 1 hour Masai Mara hot air balloon ride experience.
  • Sumptuous champagne bush breakfast after the Balloon experience.
  • Memorable and endless photography moments.
  • Costs: $450 per person. Bookings can be made for Minimum of 4 guests.